We are going to hold the first-ever, hands-on, and willingly free, WebGL and 3D Web Graphics workshop.

The Web has transitioned from mostly text, in an increasingly rich 2D image environment. Now the shift to 3D has arrived. Enabled by new Web standards and open-source technologies the 3D Web is happening Here and Now. Never before has been possible to bring video, pictures and data delivered in one single format, native, open and available on every device. TVs included. Come and see bringing 3D to your business, or get left behind, with stale 2D contents.

3D Web is happening Here and Now
Come and see why, join us!

Our workshops are in OpenTechSchool style: Free, hands-on and based on collaboration.
We want to empower individuals from any background. We want to give them the skills to realize their own projects, providing them the right tools to do it.


WebGL Workshop are 4 sessions workshops happening on July 2015, every Saturday.
Workshops will start at 11am
Join the 4 sessions isn't mandatory but is highly recommended.


Workshops will be host by
WeMake Makerspace at Milano
via stefanardo da vimercate 27/5
20128 milano


Workshops are a mix of theory, presented by our coaches, and practice, where you will have to build out your version of the introduced examples.
At the end of the workshop, you will have your own WebGL project working on your machine!

All what you need is your laptop and all your enthusiasm!
We will take care about erything else

What is OpenTechSchool?

Is international community organising friendly and welcoming events and workshops
with real people in the real world.

OpenTechSchool is a movement aiming to offer free tech education.
Our events are open to technology enthusiasts of all genders, backgrounds, and experience levels, willing to coach or learn in a friendly environment.
Our learning material is shared and collectively improved by the online community and anyone is welcome to use it to organize new OTS chapters anywhere in the world. We are a no profit organisation runs by volunteer.

Our sponsor

WebGL Workshops wouldn't be the same without the generous support of our sponsor.

Get your free ticket now